Mike Dixon rollerski masterclass and talk


Mike Dixon - one of the UK's most respected winter Olympians - will be giving a rollerski masterclass and talk in London on Saturday 6th December.

Mike is a 6-times Olympian, having competed in cross-country skiing or biathlon races at every Winter Games from Sarajevo in 1984 to Salt Lake City in 2002. Now retired from international competition, Mike is biathlon commentator for British Eurosport and a leading motivational speaker. He is also famous for winning the BBC's Hercules competition, and carrying the flag at more Olympic games than any other British athlete!

The session on 6th December will begin with a skating rollerski masterclass from 2.00pm-4.00pm in Hyde Park. This will be followed by a talk at 4.30pm in the Prince Edward Pub (near Paddington Station). The rollerski session is for proficient skating skiers (£25), but the talk can be enjoyed by all.

Mike's coming down from Scotland for the weekend and we are delighted to get hold of him, for the fourth year in a row. We hope as many as possible will come for this unique experience. Anyone with an interest in biathlon, cross-country skiing and mental preparation for sport will enjoy Mike's talk - so come for the talk even if you don't rollerski!



14.00-16.00 - rollerski masterclass, Hyde Park, see map

16.30-18.00 - motivational cross-country skiing and biathlon talk, the Prince Edward Pub, see map



Mike Dixon masterclass (£25):


Contact us, or call 07968 286129 if you have any questions

Information - rollerski session - 14.00-16.00

  • The rollerski session is designed for people who have done a bit of rollerskiing before - proficiency is expected, but not an expert standard!
  • An interest in competitive cross-country ski racing and biathlon will be of benefit
  • If you need to borrow rollerski equipment, give us an email stating your shoe size and height and we will provide all necessary equipment for no extra charge
  • If you'd like to brush up on your rollerski skills before the 9th, come to one of our classes - click here
  • Tuition will be in the skating style
  • Please meet at the Hyde Park venue - see map - at about 13.50 to get fitted up for equipment if required
  • Numbers will be limited to 10 for the rollerskiing
  • Please can you fill in our standard safety form if you haven't been to one of our sessions before, and bring gloves with you


Information - cross-country skiing and biathlon motivational talk - 16:30-18.00

  • Mike's presentation will be held in the Conference Room of the Prince Edward Pub, on Prince's Square, Bayswater (see map)
  • Mike will talk about the challenges he faced racing and competing at the highest level, and give an insight into his unique psychology
  • The talk will start at 16.30
  • EVERYONE WELCOME - but please let me know if you're coming and not doing the rollerskiing - email iain@rollerski.co.uk

Mike's website

Mike's Hercules profile

Rollerski courses

Cairngorm Biathlon & Nordic Ski Club